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12v and 24v LED Lighting, Off Grid Lighting, WiFi Internet for Boats, Trains, Campers & Caravans

Privacy Policy

At Bedazzled LED Lighting Ltd, we’re committed to protecting and respecting your privacy.

This Policy explains when and why we collect personal information about people who visit our website, how we use it, the conditions under which we may disclose it to others and how we keep it secure.

We may change this Policy from time to time so please check this page occasionally to ensure that you’re happy with any changes. By using our website, you’re agreeing to be bound by this Policy.

Any questions regarding this Policy and our privacy practices should be sent by email to or by writing to Bedazzled LED Lighting Ltd, Grand Union Works, Whilton Locks, Northamptonshire,NN11 2NH. Alternatively, you can call us on 01327 843811

Who are we?

Our Registered Address is Bedazzled LED Lighting Ltd, Grand Union Works, Whilton Locks, Northamptonshire, NN11 2NH

How do we collect information from you?

We obtain information about you when you use our website or call us, for example, when you place an order or contact us about our products and services.

What type of information is collected from you?

The personal information we collect might include your Company Name, name, address, email address, IP address, and information regarding what pages are accessed and when. Your card information is not held by us, it is collected by our third party payment processors, who specialise in the secure online capture and processing of credit/debit card transactions.

How is your information used?

We may use your information to:

  • process orders that you have submitted;
  • to carry out our obligations arising from any contracts entered into by you and us;
  • seek your views or comments on the products we provide;
  • notify you of changes to our products and or services;
  • With your permission send you communications which you have requested and that may be of interest to you. These may include information about special offers or products and services that may be of interest to you.


We review our retention periods for personal information on a regular basis. We are legally required to hold some types of information to fulfil our statutory obligations (for example paying and reclaiming VAT and Tax information). We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity, or as long as is set out in any relevant contract you hold with us.

Who has access to your information?

We will not sell or rent your information to third parties.

We will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.

Please be reassured that we will not release your information to outside third parties unless you have requested us to do so, or we are required to do so by law, for example, by a court order or for the purposes of prevention of fraud or other crime.


When you are using our secure online payment pages, your payment is processed by a third party payment processor, who specialises in the secure online capture and processing of credit/debit card transactions. If you have any questions regarding secure transactions, please contact us.

We may transfer your personal information to a third party as part of a sale of some or all of our business and assets to any third party or as part of any business restructuring or reorganisation, or if we’re under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation or to enforce or apply our terms of use or to protect the rights, property or safety of our customers. However, we will take steps with the aim of ensuring that your privacy rights continue to be protected.

Your choices

You have a choice about whether or not you wish to receive information from us. If you do not want to receive direct marketing communications from us please let us know by email to or by writing to Bedazzled LED Lighting, Grand Union Works, Whilton Locks, Northamptonshire,NN11 2NH. Alternatively, you can call us on 01327 843811.

We will not contact you for marketing purposes by email, phone or text message unless you have given your prior consent. We will not contact you for marketing purposes by post if you have indicated that you do not wish to be contacted. You can change your marketing preferences at any time by contacting us by email to or telephone on 01327 843811

How you can access and update your information

The accuracy of your information is important to us. You can update your information at any time by logging into your online account on our Website or please let us know by email to or by writing to Bedazzled LED Lighting Ltd, Grand Union Works,Whilton Locks, Northamptonshire,NN11 2NH. Alternatively, you can call us on 01327 843811.


You have the right to ask for a copy of the information Bedazzled holds about you (we may charge £10 for information requests) to cover our costs in providing you with details of the information we hold about you.

Security precautions in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of your information

When you give us personal information, we take steps to ensure that it’s treated securely. Any sensitive information (such as credit or debit card details) is encrypted and protected with the following software: 128 Bit encryption on SSL. When you are on a secure page, a lock icon will appear on the bottom of web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Once we receive your information, we do everything in our power to ensure its security on our systems. Where we have given (or where you have chosen) a password which enables you to access certain parts of our websites, you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone.

Use of ‘cookies’

Like many other websites, the Bedazzled website uses cookies. ‘Cookies’ are small pieces of information sent by an organisation to your computer and stored on your hard drive to allow that website to recognise you when you visit. They collect statistical data about your browsing actions and patterns and do not identify you as an individual. For example, we use cookies to store your country preference. This helps us to improve our website and deliver a better more personalised service.

It is possible to switch off cookies by setting your browser preferences. Turning cookies off may result in a loss of functionality when using our website.


List of cookies we collect

The table below lists the cookies we collect and what information they store.

Cookie Name Cookie Description
_gat These cookies are part of Google Analytics and allow us to measure information about how visitors use our site. This includes identifying each unique user to our site and details of each page visited. _gat is used to limit the collection of analytics data on high traffic sites.
_gid Your session ID on the server.
WP_WOOCOMMERCE_SESSION contains a unique code for each customer so that it knows where to find the cart data in the database for each customer. No personal information is stored within these cookies..
wfwaf-authcookie-(hash) This cookie is used by the Wordfence firewall to perform a capability check of the current user before WordPress has been loaded.The cookie also lets the firewall know what level of access a visitor has to help the firewall make smart decisions about who to allow and who to block.
WORDPRESS-SEC Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster.
WOOCOMMERCE_ITEM_IN_CART contains information about items in your cart as a whole and helps WooCommerce know when the cart data changes.
mailchimp_landing_site This cookie works in conjunction with our newsletter service, it allows us to know how effective our campaigns are and how better to serve customers with information.
VIEWED_COOKIE_POLICY Allows us to determine if a user has viewed and agreed to cookies on our website.

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites run by other organisations. This privacy policy applies only to our website‚ so we encourage you to read the privacy statements on the other websites you visit. We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites even if you access them using links from our website.

In addition, if you linked to our website from a third party site, we cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of the owners and operators of that third party site and recommend that you check the policy of that third party site.


Review of this Policy

We keep this Policy under regular review. This Policy was last updated in August 2024